Kenneth Moncur - May 14th 2024

What is Automated Marketing and Why it Matters in 2024

Gorgeous Caribbean Woman: Smiling, Sipping Coffee, and Working on Her Laptop in a Cozy Restaurant

Have you heard the buzz about automated marketing but aren't quite sure what it means? As a business owner and digital marketing specialist in the Caribbean with over 20 years of experience, allow me to break it down for you. At its core, automated marketing simply refers to leveraging technology to automate repetitive tasks and campaigns within your marketing efforts. This could include automating social media posting, email marketing, ads deployment, lead nurturing sequences, and more.

Why does automation matter in 2024? In our digital age where attention is the scarcest resource, businesses can't afford not to automate key marketing functions. Here's why:

The Importance of Consistent Marketing: One of the biggest challenges businesses face is maintaining a consistent marketing presence across all channels. However, doing this manually is incredibly time-consuming and prone to human error. Automated marketing ensures your campaigns go out like clockwork without you having to lift a finger.

Connecting the Customer Journey: The modern customer journey is non-linear, spanning multiple platforms and interactions before a purchase. Automated marketing allows you to stitch these touchpoints together into seamless sales funnels that nurture leads from awareness to conversion.

Scaling Personalization: Customers now expect personalized experiences, but manually personalizing outreach is not scalable. With automated marketing, you can use dynamic data to customize messaging at scale.

So how does automated marketing work in practice? At its foundation are three key components: Copywriting, Sales Funnels, and Paid Advertising. Allow me to briefly explain each:

Copywriting: This covers all written content used to engage your audience - emails, social posts, ad copy, landing pages etc. Strong copywriting speaks directly to your customers' needs and desires.

Sales Funnels: This is the full journey you want prospective customers to go through from initial interest to purchase and beyond.The funnel has multiple stages:

- Awareness
- Interest
- Consideration
- Conversion
- Retention
- Referral

By automating sequences that move leads through this funnel, you maximize chances of conversion.

Paid Advertising: Using paid channels like Google/Facebook ads allows you to get your offers in front of your ideal audience. But the key is sending that traffic to an automated sales funnel, not just a product page.

A proven strategy is: Paid Ads > Waitlist > Automated Nurture Sequence > Sales Pitch > Purchase
This way, you build an audience interested in what you offer before making the sale, rather than having prospects bounce from your site.

The Automation Piece:

So how do you actually automate all of this? Using modern AI-powered marketing software, repetitive tasks like:

- Social media publishing and engagement
- Email broadcasts and sequences
- Messenger marketing and chatbots
- Targeted ad deployment
- Lead tracking and scoring
- ...and more can all be automated based on pre-built workflows.

At my company KemisDigital, we provide all-in-one automation solutions tailored to businesses in the Caribbean and US region. This allows you to ditch fragmented tools and automate your entire funnel.The best part? No coding or advanced skills needed. You can visually design your automations or have our team fully implement for you.

Getting Started: While full-funnel automation is powerful, it can also seem daunting for those new to it. My advice is to start with one piece like chatbots or email sequences. Experience the impact first-hand, then scale out to other channels.The key is being consistent and staying top-of-mind with your audience through helpful, personalized content. Automated marketing makes this achievable for any business.

Join our Facebook group at KemisDigital Labs ( where I share behind-the-scenes strategies for Caribbean and US businesses to thrive with digital marketing automation.

To an automated future!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Digitalty yours,

Kenneth C. Moncur (Kemis)
Founder & CEO

KemisDigital A.I Marketing Firm

A Sneak Peek into Our Automated Business Software and Digital Marketing Tools!

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